Logotherapy Coach training program is organized as online training, so that students can be guaranteed a high-quality, virtual learning environment that promotes discussion, even if the students are from different countries. The training deepens and applies the knowledge of all subject areas that have become familiar in the basic course, ‘Basics of Logotherapy’. In addition to this, the training includes book discussions and peer group discussions related to each teaching themes in the Moodle online environment. As more extensive tasks in the training are logotherapeutic Mountain Range exercise and a personal Life Path exercise, developed by Elisabeth Lukas. The students also prepare a written thesis on logotherapy, in which everyone presents their own understanding of logophilosophy and/or the application of logophilosophy in their own work or own life in general. All the material used in the training is available to the students in Moodle throughout the whole training. The training also includes studying the operating mechanisms of the psychic dimension of human consciousness and elucidates the (psychological) mental disorders and treatment methods, so that students know how to distinguish mental disorders from purpose-related disorders and their specific treatment methods.

The prerequisites for acceptance into the training program are the completion of the ‘Basics of Logotherapy’ -course and a freeform letter on why the student wants to participate in the Logotherapy Coach training program. The Logotherapy Coach qualification gives the student the skills to use logotherapy as a support in their own life and/or as part of their own profession, as a complement to professional skills.

The duration of the training is a total of 800h, which consists of online teaching and self-study (740h) and online peer group study (60h). The training program period is one academic year. The price of the training is 1500€ + VAT.

Further information and registration: minna.sadeaho@gmail.com